Our Services

We assist clients in seeking federal and state financial support for projects, services and programs. Riveron Corp. provides assistance to secure federal and state funds both through annual budget allocation processes and through grants awarded competitively by government and other non-profit entities. Our success in obtaining these funds comes from our deep understanding of the purposes, processes and regulations associated with each award program. We work with our clients to give them the broadest access to these sources of funding and develop the best strategy for their unique circumstances.


Strategic Planning

  • Identification of local assets and potential funding sources
  • Creation of funding timeline and community development plan

Application Preparation

  • Full management of application and review process
  • Close coordination with granting agencies to tailor application to program

Grant Administration

  • Financial and operational supervision of award activities
  • Coordination with contractors, environmental surveyors and other third parties to execute development activities

Recordkeeping & Compliance

  • Electronic record storage and retrieval
  • Compliance with all award reporting requirements at the local, state and federal level

Our Strategy

We work with our clients to create a tailored funding and management plan to meet the unprecedented levels of transparency required by granting agencies and the public today. Every client's circumstances are unique and need a fresh approach to achieve maximum award success.

Our Clients

Since 1998, we have collaborated with a number of government agencies at the federal, state and local level to bring our clients the full range of government grants and programs available to them.